WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES (HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA)?Usually there are no symptoms of high triglycerides unless blood levels of triglycerides are 1000 mg/dl or more. And the symptoms comes come from having pancreatitis, which occurs because of high triglycerides. The symptoms of pancreatitis are severe mid abdominal pain and pain that radiates to the back. There may be tenderness in the middle of the abdomen. There may also be signs of dehydration such as low blood pressure and fast pulse. |
WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES (HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA)?The basic cause of high triglycerides is that the body is not able to clear away the triglycerides like it is supposed to. This occurs among a lot in people who have diabetes, but it can also happen in people who are taking certain medication or have a genetic defect. |
HOW IS HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES (HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA) DIAGNOSED?To diagnoses hypertriglyceridemia it requires a simple blood test. A level greater than 150 mg/dl (WHEN FASTING) is hypertriglyceridemia. A level between 150-1000 mg/dl is moderate hypertriglyceridemia. A level greater than 1000 mg /dl is severe hypertriglyceridemia. |
WHAT IS THE TREATMENT FOR HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES (HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA)?* Be aware that the recommended treatments of illnesses are always being improved. This website was last update on 11/1/2024. The best treatment option MIGHT have changed since that time.1. The treatment depends on how high the Triglyceride level is:A. For 150 - 200 mg/dl levels of triglycerides are treated by reducing high sugar and fructose food, reducing saturated fat. *B. For 200 - 500 mg/dl levels of triglycerides are with diet (as above), and Statins Medication if the person also have increased cholesterol. *C. For 500 mg/dl levels and greater levels of triglycerides are treated with Vasepa, Fibrate Medication, and possibly a Statin Medication. *2. Fenofibrate and Gemfibrozil are the preferred anti-hypertriglyceride medications because they have less interactions with other medication, and they are generally well tolerated.
1. Despite the fact that Fibrate medication reduce both triglycerides and cholesterol, there is no evidence that Fibrate medication reduce the death from cardiac events like statin medication do.2. All medications have a risk of side effects.
Consult “Epocrates.com” for each Specific Medication’s possible “Adverse Reactions.” Side effects are also referred to as “Adverse Reactions.” Epocrates.com will tell you both “common reactions” and “serious reactions.” You will have to create an account, but it is simple, fast, and free. |