WHAT IS THE TREATMENT FOR uncomplicated GONORRHEA for a non-pregregnant patient?

* Be aware that the recommended treatments of illnesses are always being improved. This website was last update on 11/1/2024. The best treatment option MIGHT have changed since that time.

* Antibiotics: The antibiotics to treat Gonorrhea continually changes because gonorrhoeae bacteria is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics

1. Preferred: Rocephin Injection: 500 mg usually, 1000 mg if person weight >300 lbs *

2. Cefixime 800 mg (Suprax) [a cephalosporin] *

3. Gentamycin 240 mg injection PLUS Azithromycin 2000 mg *


1. Although antibiotic pills and injection are the correct treatment for Gonorrhea, they are not always effective. Pills are less effective than injection medications.
2. All medications have a risk of side effects.
3. Mild side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, and light skin rash.
4. Possible Severe side effects are a severe skin rash, an anaphylactic allergic reaction (leading to the inability to breathe and subsequent death if not treated rapidly), and Clostridioides difficile infection (C. Diff.) of the colon.
5. Medications such as creams, lotions, and gels should be tested in small dosages in areas of the body that are not easily seen.

Consult “Epocrates.com” for each Specific Medication’s possible “Adverse Reactions.” Side effects are also referred to as “Adverse Reactions.” Epocrates.com will tell you both “common reactions” and “serious reactions.” You will have to create an account, but it is simple, fast, and free.

Symptoms Depend on the location of the infection:

1. If Gonorrhea is in the throat:
A. Throat pain
B. Pus on the back of throat

2. If symptoms are in the rectum:
A. Pus discharge from the anus

3. If symptoms are in the penis:
A. Often there is very painful urination
B. Pus discharge from the tip of the penis

4. If symptoms are in the vagina:
A. Pus discharge
B. Pain upon urination
C. Vaginal bleeding, especially after sex
D. Lower abdominal pain


Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is the bacteria that causes gonorrhea. This bacteria is usually passed through sexual contact.


Diagnosis can be made from a careful history and a visual inspection (if possible); however, because a gonorrhea infection symptoms resembles trichomonas infection; it is best to get a laboratory test to prove which infection a person has. Usually, the effected area will be swabbed with a cotton tip applicator and that swab will be sent to a lab for testing. If an infection is suspected only in the vagina or penis, a urine sample can be collected and sent to a lab for analysis.